Discovery: Honey & Soul

Honey & Soul is a Burlington, USA-based act based around singer songwriter Hannah Hausman. Rounding out the trio is Cleo Flemming on vocal harmonies, cello, and electric bass, and Danica Cunningham on vocal harmonies, fiddle, and banjo. Their latest is called Tower.

By Graeme Smith

With the instrumental makeup of the act, you’d be right to expect folk from Honey & Soul’s sound. Yet, there’s more to it, with elements of classic rock and blues in their sound. What really captured me most about Tower, though, is its lyrics. Rich with substantial emotion and sentiments, its story of empowerment is beautifully realised through metaphor and imagery.

Burlington is in Vermont, in the New England area of the US, and Honey & Soul are known to regularly play in the area. With this sound, though, they certainly need some international attention. Consider us fans here at York Calling.

You can give Tower a listen below.