New Music: Prince of Sweden – Lines Closed to Callers

Prince of Sweden should be a recognisable name to regular readers of this blog by now. We’ve featured his unique brand of poetic folk many times before.

By Graeme Smith

His latest release follows last month’s single The Electric Blue, featuring alongside it on his upcoming debut full-length album Beneath the Big Top. Lines Closed to Callers is a vibrant folk-rock track, steeped in dreaminess and atmosphere. Prince of Sweden’s distinctive vocals come in after a striking instrumental opening, reeling off descriptive lyrics that paint a picture of the elevated mundane.

Beneath the Big Top is set for release 30 March. Based on the evidence so far, it’s going to be one not to be missed.

You can give Lines Closed to Callers below.

And for all the latest unique and unconventional underground tracks, be sure to follow our Decomposition playlist on Spotify.