New Music: Abby London – War to Peace

Seattle, USA-based pop musician Abby London has featured a few times before on this blog, going right back to the autumn of 2022.

By Graeme Smith

Feature photo by Rocky Allen Photography

It was the end of last year that I personally got a taste of her music, and I was hooked! She’s just released a new track that goes deep, exploring the idea of breaking destructive patterns. War To Peace is intended to be inspirational to other women who have felt the same.

It is a bittersweet track. While it opens low and moody, it finds some triumphant highs. Combining electronic pop elements with some experimental moments that brought to mind the music of Bjork, War to Peace feels like Abby’s most boundary-pushing track yet.

War to Peace was co-produced by Abby London and Jakael Tristram, and was mastered by Emerson Mancini. You can give it a listen below.

And for all the latest unique and unconventional underground tracks, be sure to follow our Decomposition playlist on Spotify.